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Our Chickens & Farm Animals are our Staff.
They provide the base for all we do.
Whether they are laying fresh eggs daily, or producing our compost manure-
we cherish them.
We have a heart for Roosters, and do not believe in culling them just because they were born Roosters. We have several "bachelor pads" on our farm where the boys live out safe and humanely provided lives, free range, and provide us with daily doses of entertainment.
Enjoy scrolling through and meeting the beings that make our dreams possible.
Artemis. A Buff Orpington. A fierce hen that takes no nonsense. Thus- she's named after a female warrior in the Greek Pantheon. Artemis lays a beautiful beige egg with speckles
Sylvie. A Buckeye. A heritage breed that is believed to be the only breeds developed by a woman, and aptly named for The Buckeye State of Ohio, where Nellie Metcalf- their creator- lived.
Evan. A Rooster. Evan is a mix between a Black Australop Hen and an English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington Rooster.
Evan is the very essence of polite. He treat spots for everyone, and often can be found digging out crickets from the wood pile to share.
Narcissus, AKA Narcie, is a Lavender Orphington Rooster. He is extremely friendly and really knows how to shake a tail feather.
I am greeted every morning by Narcie with his fantastically flamboyant "Rooster Shuffle". It's a dance done by roosters to show affection. They will shuffle sideways towards you, head down, a soft coo, and drop their wing as a dance move.
It's his way of saying "Good Mornin
Starla is a Domingue Hen. When she first came to us as a pullet, she was insanely fast and little nuts. As she's matured she has calmed down quite a bit, and has earned the name "Turkey Bird" due to her unique call and loud voice.
Lilah & Diana. These gorgeous gals are Sapphire Gems. Known for their sweet and gentle demeanor, Lilah and Diana are besties and inseparable.
Demeter. An English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington.
Also named from the Greek Pantheon,
Demeter in mythology was the Mother to Persephone. She was overbearing in the myth and very vocal regarding her daughter's choices.
Demeter always has something to say, and follows us around as we work on projects letting us know "eggsactly" what she thinks.
A mix of a Lavender Orphington and an English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington.
What makes Ersa unique is that she maintained the dusty gray color and large pantaloons of the Lavender Orphington, but inherited the striking barred feather pattern of the English Chocolate Cuckoo.
Ersa, is the Daughter of Selene, is also named from the Greek Pantheon.
Ersa, in mythology was the Goddess of Chaos and Des
Violette is a Lavender Orphington.
She is not the boss Hen, but she's very bossy, and tends to plow her way through everyone when it comes to snack scratch time.
Even as a full grown adult, we must always know where Violette is, because she's a bull in a China shop, and has no issue running anyone down who gets between her and her snacks.
Butterball is an English Chocolate Orphington. She is a new first time Mamma as well!
Butterball has really become a very polite and dainty little lady, and takes such good care of her two little Hen hatches, Delilah and Ginger.
She loves a good beak rub, and will always greet us at the coop door.
Melinoe is a mix of a Cinnamon Queen and an English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington.
Her Mamma Hen is Persephone, and her Papa is Hades.
We named her after Persephone's daughter in the Greek Pantheon, Melinoe was known as the Goddess of Ghosts, and was known for her pale complexion and fierce temper.
Fast Eddie. He is a cross between a Domingue Hen and our English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington Rooster, Hades.
Fast Eddie has a great story. He was my first ever hatch from an incubator. I didn't know back then not to open the device once hatching started, and I accidentally caused him to "shrink-wrap" in his egg as he pipped.
I took Eddie into the bathroom and filled it with steam, and precariously s
Electa, is one of our two Salmon Favorelles.
She is sweet, gentle, and very loud.
She lives in her own coop with her sister Esther, and has become an amazing Foster Mom to our 18 new additions who were added at 5 weeks old.
Salmon's are known for their disposition and nurturing demeanor, and make great foster hens.
Esther is a Salmon Favorelle, and resides with her sister Electa.
Esther is very vocal, much like Esther from the Bible.
She doesn't stand for bullying, especially rare for being a breed that tends to be pushed around.
She is strong, and independent. She will raise great hens who know who they are.
Scotty Too Hotty is a ginormous beast of a Rooster.
Weighing in at a cool 28lbs, he is a mix of a Lavender Orphington and an English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington.
Scotty is very calm and logical. He's like an Accountant. He watches and takes count of everything that happens in the yard.
He adores my husband and can often be found following him around keeping him company.
Hades. My main Rooster. He is the only Rooster that resides in our production flock.
He is a huge English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington, and father to all chickens hatched here at the farm.
He's also gentle, docile, and carries a 3" spur. A spur he's never used.
His hens adore him, he is a good protector and takes his job very seriously.
He treat spots, inspects newly refreshed nesting boxes, and switc
Pardon our French, but she's called Shitbrick.
Named after a character in American Pie.
She was born with her insides on the outside, and we had to painstakingly put them back inside her.
Due to her affliction, she has no tail feathers, and we have to help her maintain personal hygiene daily.
However, this Delaware Hen is full of it, and has loads of personality.
We lov
Don Julio. A Domingue Rooster.
Named after a sweet gentleman I met in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.
Don Julio is a heck of a Salsa Dancer, and spends most of his days dancing and enticing the hens in the main flock.
Don has recently been given a flock of hens to call his own, and has proven to be a complete gentleman, allowing his girls to eat first, showing them where to lay their eggs, and foragi
An English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington.
Gaia, also Greek Pantheon named, is the mother to the entire flock.
She is the Head Hen, as well as the biggest Hen.
Gaia keeps the order, teaches the youngn's, and maintains a sense of tranquility.
Gaia loves a good nap, and has retired from laying. She's known to sneak away to a nesting box and snooze.
Here, she's chatting with Susie, a Buckeye who is mak
Bellina is an ISA Brown, or also known as a Cinnamon Queen.
Bellina is named for the orange chicken in the Wizard of Oz book series, and was named so at the request of my dear cousin Robert Glenn Decker.
One of my fondest memories as a child was watching the Wizard of Oz movie with him.
When he messaged me and asked for me to name my next orange chicken Bellina, I happily obliged.
This is Lilith. A Black Australop.
When I first met Lilith, she was a screaming and absolutely insane pullet.
Lilith is Hades best girl, and even though Gaia is the flock mother, Lilith sets the laws.
She is a very broody Hen, and will sit on a clutch like clockwork every ten weeks all year long. She has provided us with 17 hatches.
Not always the best at being a Mamma, we have to watch her. She's bee
Martha is a Speckled Sussex, another Heritage Breed.
Martha is curious, and has a big personality. She is always exploring new "hentertainment" we add to the coops, and seems to enjoy human company.
I look forward to her visits each day as I scoop the poop decks under their roosting bars. She coos softly and inspects my work. Always up for a soft pat on the back, Martha is a quintessential lady.
Silla is a Sapphire Gem, and prefers her own company.
She enjoys quiet corners and keeps to herself most days. She has three sisters, but only partakes in their company at roosting time.
Silla is shy, and will avoid drama. She's definitely an introvert.
Persephone is an ISA Brown, or Cinnamon Queen.
Persephone was my first ever chicken. She started it all.
She is a snack-o-holic, and has earned the nickname "Potato Chip" due to her aerial antics when we enter the run with the snack bucket.
I would love to know her secret to staying so fit- because she eats like pig.
This is Sunny. My husband named her.
She is a Buckeye.
Sunny has a sweet disposition and has been his right hand side chick since she hatched.
She's always obsessed with where he is, and runs to him for a beak rub and lap time.
I suppose if I am to share my husband with another Hen, Sunny is the best choice.
Say hello to Ossie Belle, a Partridge Brahma English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington Mix.
Ossie Belle is named after my husband's grandmother.
Ossie is Freya's daughter, and Freya was my husband's first Hen. He fell in love with her strange feathered feet.
Ossie Belle gets her way, no matter what, and no one tells her what to do.
Rightfully so, she was orphaned as a chick when her mother Freya passed awa
Beatrice the Barred Rock. She is Bernice's sister.
Beatrice is loud, fast, and funny.
She's always digging a hole, or chasing toads.
She has a big booty and uses it to push hens out of her dust bath holes.
She's one of a kind and a true joy to watch.
One of four rescue roosters we took in from a lovely lady who adored them, but wasn't permitted to have them in city limits.
He arrived with two Americauna Splash roosters we named Sal and Tony, and a Black Copper Maran Roo we called Copper John
The four were known as the "Soprano Boys"- named for their flashy digs and bold attitudes.
Vinny resides in our work tool shed at the moment, until we
Sadie is our only remaining Leghorn.
I named her and her sister Abbey after two Siamese Cats I had once who were vicious. Sadie and Abbey are not the nicest Hens in our flock, and the names seemed fitting.
Abbey has found a new home with a lovely neighbor who was looking for laying hens.
Sadie will remain here with us, as she's our only white egg layer at the moment.
Sweet Sweet Delilah.
She's a mix with our English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington but we haven't figured to who her Mamma is yet.
Delilah is just about 4 months old now, and is still very much attached to her flock Mamma Butterball, who sat and hatched her.
Delilah is the most absolutely adorable little creature we've ever met. She is loved by all our hens, even the uppity ones.
She has recently moved int
Ginger is Delilah's Sister, and is about 4 months old. We think she is a Buff Orphington Mixed with Our English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington Roo.
Ginger is brave, and left her Mamma, Butterball, at an early age.
Delilah and Ginger were the first two hatches we allowed to hatch and grow up organically in the flock, without intervening and separating with their flock Mamma into a brooder.
Ginger is a fo
Selene. Named for the Greek Moon Goddess.
Selene is my first Lavender Orphington and mother to all other Lavenders and crosses.
When Selene first came to us she was an absolute terror, and bullied everyone.
She spent more time in the Fowl Felon Jail than any other bird we own.
As she's matured and our flock has grown, Selene has changed her ways and has become a productive member of society.
Little Orphan Annie.
Annie is a pure English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphinton, who was hatched by Lilith.
Lilith abandoned her at one day old, as she was the only successful hatch from that clutch.
We found little Annie outside at night peeping loudly looking for her Mamma, scared and cold.
We raised Annie in the house until we could acquire some flock mates for her.
She now has her 3 besties, our Buckeyes,
This is Eve.
She is a Black Australop and English Chocolate Cuckoo Orphington Mix.
Even is Lilith's daughter whom Lilith hatched.
Eve is always in the shadows. She also keeps to herself and minds her own.
She hangs out a lot with Orphan Annie, and prefers to lay in the outside nesting boxes where she won't be badgered by Hens in waiting for her spot.
Eve comes off as very intelligent and an old soul.
Ruth, a Speckled Sussex and Martha's Sister.
Ruth is a bit of a loner, and little spooky. She is afraid of her own shadow, but has begun to settle into the flock.
She tends to stick by Hades, who is a refuge for her fears of her new home.
Ruth does like to be with her Sister Martha, but spends most of her time foraging away from the flock until roosting time.
Big Booty Judy.
An English Chocolate Orphington.
Judy has as big of a personality as her giant fluffy pantaloons.
Judy gets along with everyone and will happily be anyone's friend.
Judy is a sweet quiet girl who just wants to pay her rent and live her life. YOLO.
This is Ahyoka, a 20 year old Draft Paint Mare.
She had been sold into the slaughter pipeline when she was no longer able to perform her duties as a work horse, despite her injuries from chronic abuse.
Ahyoka (Eye-Yoke-A) is a Cherokee name for "She Brings Happiness"
Ahyoka is every ounce of joy, and 1300lbs of snark. Even through her tough outer demeanor, she holds space for me.
Ahyoka adds to the fa
Adah is a Mottled Orphington. She is blind in one eye, but doesn't let that slow her down.
Adah is a plump girl with loads of spunk.
She has a gorgeous array of white, black and teal feathers, and is truly a looker
This is Hero, a 14 year old Hanoverian Dutch Harness Cross. He is also a rescue and my husband belongs to him.
Hero was sold to a slaughter auction as a "retired" champion dressage jumper when a small defect in his eye called Corpora Nigra rendered him unable to jump.
He is 17HH, and a perfect gentleman with the smoothest gait around.
Hero- like Ahyoka, adds to our compost, and provides us mere human
Just a few of or new hires. We recently purchased 18 chicks from 4B Feed Store in Forest. They are approx. 10 weeks old now, and really starting to come into their little personalities.
Cream Legbars, Olive and Easter Eggers, Blue Australops, Black Jersey Giants, Lavender Orphingtons and Red/Blue Laced Wyandottes.
We are very excited for our next generation.
Lily Bear, Astrid, Tulip and Poppy. All young does and the source of so much joy on our farm
Frenchie and his favorite human, LB
Buckles is about 7 years old. She's also a Mediterranean Donkey and is Frenchie's Mamma.
Frenchie and his Mamma, Buckles, who loves Cheez-It crackers
12162 Louisiana Highway 585, Oak Grove, Louisiana 71263, United States
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